Our Standards
Essig Research is dedicated to quality and integrity. We are recognized for successfully delivering results and maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.
ISO 9001 Certified
Essig Research is ISO 9001 certified and committed to providing quality services.
Quality Policy
“It is our policy to understand the needs of our customers and exceed their expectations, to establish appropriate quality standards, and consistently meet all requirements or have them officially changed. We pride ourselves in our work and continually improve to take quality to the next level. Quality is everyone’s job!”

Lean Six Sigma
Our process improvement initiatives are led by a team of experienced professionals with Black Belt certification. Investments in internal projects and analysis have enhanced the quality and efficiency of our services resulting in improved customer production processes.
Regulatory Compliance
Essig Research has implemented procedures that limit access and ensure control over technical data and production information critical to meet compliance requirements for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Additionally, Essig Research has Government Secret Clearance with Cleared Staff Members.